Lettuce Growth Cycle Analysis – Scope of Work

Data Analyst: Pujan Vakharia

Client/Sponsor: Metabis.co


Agriculture can be optimized using information such as temperature, humidity of environment, pH level of soil and total dissolved solid count for the irrigation water. Purpose of this project is to find the ideal conditions for lettuce growth so that lettuce grows in optimum duration or, if ideal conditions are not possible, then to be able to predict the time it takes for lettuce to grow fully based on the information about said factors available. Goal is to understand how each factor affects lettuce growth and utilize the same.

Scope / Major Project Activities

Preliminary analysis of dataSetting summaries, basic exploration of data etc to be carried out
Factor specific impact, larger trends and themes in growth patternsUnderlying themes to be explored for combination of factors
Prediction modelCreate a prediction model conveying prediction for total days it takes for lettuce to be grown fully
Major parts of the project, high level steps, activities, stages of project

This project does not include

  • Does not include information about lettuce yield in weight or size, the study is only concerned with duration it takes for lettuce to grow fully.
  • Does not involve data earlier than 3rd August 2023 and beyond the third week of September 2023 (only one lettuce growth cycle of 70 plants) 


DeliverableDescription/ Details
Initial InsightsImpact of various factors on growth period
Ideal conditions Ideal conditions for lettuce growth
Prediction modelPredict the time it takes for lettuce to grow fully based on given factors
Specific list of things that project will deliver

Schedule Overview / Major Milestones

MilestoneExpected Completion DateDescription/Details
Finalize summary11-02-24Summarize data fully, understand it etc prepare for next step
Finalize initial insights and report18-02-24Explore each factor individually and together to identify direct relation and larger themes in data
Prediction model and ideal conditions 17-03-24Complete prediction model with ideal conditions for growth
Expected schedule for the project

*Estimated date for completion

By 17-03-24, the project would be completed with all the deliverables finalized and delivered. 

Aforementioned scope of work is derived from Scope-of-Work-Template provided by Google under Google Data Analytics courses.

Dataset used for the project is publicly available here.

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